When I decided to become an Uppercase Living demonstrator, I knew there would be lots of things about my new job that I would love. What I didn't think about was how many interesting people I would meet and how many lovely homes I'd be invited into.
Earlier this month I did a party at the home of one of the busiest women I've met yet. Heather is an active mom who is passionate about her involvement in her child's school; she teaches, travels, is an avid decorator and a competitive baker. She is a devoted frien

I met Heather about 9 months ago when she was a guest at her friend's Uppercase Living party. Drawing upon her expertise in contracting and decorating, she quickly sized up my catalog and declared that she's seen similar products in showcase homes. She chose a few expressions for her home, but wasn't satisfied with our standard offerings for her kitchen. So she chose our expression, "Eat Well, Laugh Often, Love Much" and decided to translate it to fit her French theme kitchen. The translating part was easy for Heather, because, of course, she's fluent in French. Together we worked on a design that incorporated Fluers des Lis in two sizes. Mind you, this was before the upgraded MyDesign Suite was available so creating a design of this size was not easy. Nevertheless, Heather had a vision and she was undeterred.
What a thrill it was when I visited Heather's home to see that vision beautifully executed in the perfect spot in her kitchen. I don't know how many times I heard her guests say, "Have you seen the lettering in her kitchen?"
When I joined Uppercase Living, I knew that I would love seeing our products used in unique applications