Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Special Gifts for November Hostesses and Customers!

Just as I was feeling pretty clever about my Hostess With the Bonus giveaway, Uppercase Living one-upped me with two very cool offers for Hostesses and Customers. Starting today, through November 23rd, every customer who places an order of $40 or more will receive a FREE Holiday Expressions Assortment!!

Over 50 holiday themed words and designs in Soft Silver will help you create cards, ornaments, frames, gifts and so much more this holiday season. Hooray for free!

Hostesses whose guest orders reach $200 will also receive this 11 x 11 sheet of expressions, a $16.95 value, absolutely free.

Speaking of hostesses, there's one more bonus for them: when a party reaches $400 in guest orders, the hostess rewards will automatically bump up a level, giving the hostess even more free and half price items than she would normally earn.

There are so many bonuses flying around that I can hardly keep track. The bottom line is this: spend $40, get some free goodies. Host a party, get lots of free goodies. The Hostess With the Bonus becomes the Hostess with the Bonus, the Other Bonus and Some More Bonus. Well-played, UL, but the whole thing was my idea first!

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